In this episode, Kirsten shares a behind the scenes look at her first 6 figure launch. She breaks down the launch results and explains the strategy and mindset tools she used and also answers a spicy rumor about her. You will also learn what tools you can implement today so you’re ready for the next Million Dollar Email Launch.
*Please Note: This transcript is based on an outline and may contain typos, word switches, abbreviations, etc. These are provided for your convenience and are not proofread prior to being made available.
I just had my first 6 figure launch and I’m sharing a behind the scenes look at it with you today.
After my incredible Million Dollar Email launch, I took a full week off to just welcome in new clients, rest and recharge.
This episode is thicky thick and I’m really excited because I want you to walk away with a few things.
So, this was a launch of my Million Dollar Email program. The price was $2,500.00 or 5 payments of $500. I made sales every day but only had 2 cash injections, so it was slow and steady. I made $100k in total, which was 40 clients, primarily payment plans.
I did have Brand awareness from the last launch and I created so much demand in that launch by leveraging the Offer Story Tool we teach inside Million Dollar Email. This is a messaging tool and we do talk about it in another episode.
So, my Offer Story was super clear:
This tool helps you keep your messaging clear and consistent, and you know that it’s working when your audience members are literally repeating it back to you. So in all my onboarding forms people will say “I joined to make social media optional” or “I joined because millionaires write emails.”
So I walked into this launch with people from the last one that didn’t join ready to go.
Another thing to note is, I had so much proof of results because my current Million Dollar Email clients were out there killing it with Email. I had people joining because they said they love to read my client’s emails, not even mine!
When it comes to my Send Strategy, I literally applied my own Million Dollar Email Concepts. We help you create a bulk of launch email content ideas quickly, and then we show you exactly what to send, when. A lot of people commented on my Sequencing which is the order in which you send emails and I applied the MDE Strategy to this. It’s all included in the Launch Module.
The same thing goes for my Email Copy Strategy – I applied my own copywriting concepts called “Romanticize Your Offer” and the “Sell Your Promise“ System which I am going to do Podcast episodes just on those concepts alone for the next launch. But in short, these tools help you write higher converting copy that answers as many questions as possible while being highly engaging. As people were joining so many people said they were shocked at how I seemed to answer every single question they had with just emails. This is just one of the transformations you’ll see with these tools.
So the practical techniques I applied were:
And the only thing different I did from what I recommend in Million Dollar Email, is I sent more emails. In Million Dollar Email, I recommend half of what I sent during this launch.
And this is why it’s so important not to try to apply every strategy you see without learning directly from the person, because I sent 7-10 emails a day and I don’t even necessarily recommend you do that.
The reason I personally sent that many emails was for branding not necessarily for conversion.
You don’t have to send 7-10 emails a day to convert 6 figures. I have clients who convert 6 figures on 1-2 emails a day.
I have an Email program. And I sent more emails for branding purposes. For example: many of my clients can’t even imagine sending 3-5 emails a week at first because they are scared of annoying their audience. I sent 10 a day to show how you can write quality and quantity and have your audience love it. Another example: my clients often say they run out of email content ideas or styles of emails. Many of my extra emails were sent just to show possibility for people.
So I wanted to add that note in because I want you to know that the strategy I teach you may be different than the one you see me actively applying for either branding reasons or because I’m testing something.
There is a time to send more emails and sometimes I do recommend more beyond the initial strategy, but that’s the kind of personalized support you get inside the program so you know exactly when to do what to make those email sales.
Let’s talk about the mindset:
So Million Dollar Energy is also a concept we teach inside the program and it’s the energy you create your best results in. So do you work best when you feel confident, grounded, boss, safe? For me, feeling “safe” and feeling “boss” is really powerful for me. So, I practice thoughts that make me feel safe and make me feel boss throughout the launch.
For example, I love thinking “I don’t need this launch financially”, that makes me feel safe.
I also love thinking “I have the highest performing email strategy in the industry” and that makes me feel boss.
So I really focused on curating that energy and I wrote emails from that energy.
I did that through a simple self coaching practice. Everyday, I brain dumped all the thoughts I was having about my launch that day, and then I chose one to work on that day.
So for example, if I was thinking that this launch was super slow, I would acknowledge how that makes me feel, what that makes me want to do, and what result that will unintentionally create. Then, I would replace it with a more intentional thought like, “This launch is going exactly as planned”
My self coaching practice allowed me to stay aware of my thoughts and re route them as needed.
We teach you this Mindset Technique inside the program as well. I know, we are amazing!
The last mindset tool I used was Celebration. I listened to the Podcast “Celebration as a Sales Strategy” by my Coach Dielle Charon, and I highly recommend it. Her podcast is called Black, Banked, and Booked Out. I spent time celebrating every single day the results I already created rather than being impatient for results I haven’t hit yet. This also helped me keep my Million Dollar Energy up.
So you may be asking: Okay Kirsten was it all from Email?!
Here’s what the data I have says:
But let’s talk about a little rumor about me….Kirsten hates social media.
An objection I got during this launch that really surprised me was from people who still wanted to do social media and use email as a bonus and they thought I was anti social media.
Let’s dead this right now.
I grew up on Myspace, Youtube, and Blogs okay!?! My first side hustle was being a Beauty Blogger and Influencer. My friends on my personal pages always made fun of me for being super blog-esque. I love sharing my life on social media. Love it. I love a good Kardashian voiceover reel.
This is why I say Miliion Dollar Email helps you make social media OPTIONAL.
From a statistics standpoint, Email is the highest converting marketing tool. That’s just a fact.
Email Marketing is the only marketing tool that has not changed much at all. That’s just a fact.
All of my clients who apply my strategy, every single time, convert higher with Email. That’s just facts.
So, yes I want all of my clients to master a platform that has literally held the title of most effective for decades and let anything else be a BONUS.
I want you to have 1 tool you can always rely on so that even when social media shifts, you’re good.
But I also want you to ENJOY social media. You don’t have to hate social media to write emails!
My clients that join, usually get MORE creative on Social Media because they release so much pressure from it.
Whether you want to replace or reduce social media, or you want to use both social and email, I got you covered. Regardless, you will have the highest converting email strategy in the industry.
Because y’all know I love a challenge, my next launch I am going to implement an email and social media strategy just to show this side of my client base how you can balance the two easier than you probably are right now.
So, we aren’t launching Million Dollar Email for a while. What tools can you leverage now so you can confidently join our next round?
We have clients who joined after applying my free content that created results and then joined the program and immediately started creating more.
Start growing your list using our MDE Lead Magnet Strategy and just write emails to your list every week. That’s all you have to do right now. Seriously.
Listen to previous podcasts and live videos and glean lessons from there and get to applying them.
I have had people literally say they felt like they should pay me for some of my free content. I get DMs consistently from people creating results just from my free content So get to work!
Next launch is not yet set. We are looking at the Fall but the best way to keep up to date with us is by joining my email list at
I absolutely love this program and am excited to enroll more people into it. We are already getting amazing wins.
If you’re wondering how to work with me outside of Million Dollar Email, that announcement is coming soon!
If you loved this episode, leave a quick review or share it and tag me @kirstenroldan.