is going to POWER YOUR FIRST $100K-$1M


Million Dollar Email is a Marketing Program for Coaches and Service Providers that teaches the Art of Email Marketing at every level you will experience it in your business, from your first $100K-$1M.

You will learn how to create high converting and unique Weekly, Launch, and Funnel Emails that sell your offer like clockwork.


Just like I did.

We dismantle everything you learned about Email from Bro and Becky marketers and replace it with the only practical and energetic techniques you need to secure high ticket applications and sales with Email.  

You don’t need another swipe file template. 

You don’t need to be a great copywriter. 

You don’t need overcomplicated automations. 


You will sell your offer without writing 5 page essays every Email. You will learn how to write quickly and freely, communicate your thought leadership message like never before, and lead your industry off Instagram with Email Marketing as your key strategy.


I started using Email Marketing as a side hustler working 7-5 in a job that didn’t allow me to have my phone on me or use the internet.

That means when I was at work, I was fully disconnected from social media. Email was how I stayed connected with my leads and signed clients without having to post everyday and engage all day. 

Because I refused to rely on an entertainment based algorithm and having to keep up with Reels, Close Friends, Live Videos and all the other things Social Media decides to roll out. I stick with what has worked for decades across industries and make everything else optional. I stick with a technique that hasn’t changed much at all, Email Marketing. 

I continued to use Email Marketing as a DFY Funnels Agency Owner, Product Business Owner, and now as a Full Time Coach. 

I became a Top earner in the Industry with Email Marketing as my primary strategy, and I’m going to teach you how to do the same. 


Every 7 Figure Entrepreneur you know and love in this industry is making money primarily from Email, even when they have podcasts and social media posts. They don’t have a reels or close friends strategy, they aren’t on live video every week. 

They are writing Emails. 





You can work through the Million Dollar Email Strategy through live coaching, coursework and community. Completely developed by a Business and Sales Funnel Expert that has strategized and written thousands of emails that have amounted to millions of dollars in sales. 


IS this YOU?


Whether you’re adding Email as a bonus strategy or want to use it to take a lucrative social media hiatus, we will help you write Emails that sell so well, you can choose to bounce whenever and won’t stress when a new platform comes out. 


You want to leverage your current list and grow it with ideal leads so you can make more money, much easier during your Launches. You feel like preparing your launch emails is a whole chore and want it all to feel easier and actually be highly profitable. 


You’re no stranger to Email, but it doesn’t quite work like your Social Media does or it feels so much easier to stick to Social because you have big video energy. You want to replicate your social media success into email success. 


You either want to build one or already have an Email Funnel that needs untying and revamping. You want to send people to your Email Funnel and have clients enrolling and submitting applications while you sleep. 

These are the top concepts our clients love that you will only find inside this program

This program is dedicated to answering your burning Email questions. We have an answer for every practical question you have, while also infusing energetic techniques that make this program incomparable. 


We teach you how to increase your Email Productivity by learning how to write 10 Million Dollar Emails in 1 hour so you can write an entire launch sequence with ease or plan all your monthly emails in one sitting. 



We show you the 6 components of your Messaging that will take it from Meh to Millions. You will feel so clear that things that used to feel strenuous like Emails, Sales Pages, Curriculum and Launch ideas will pour out of you. 



Implement our unique Lead Magnet Strategy to grow your list with highly qualified leads and sell effortlessly. Become the Leader in your potential client’s inbox every week so you never have to “ramp up” to sell again.



Learn the Mindset Tools our Million Dollar Clients use to stop strategy capping and write Emails that do more than sell a low ticket tripwire here and there, but rather sells $30K-$100K in one sweep.



This copywriting technique will change the way you write about your offer for good. It will replace swipe file templates and you will stop looking to others for inspiration so your Emails never look like someone else’s, making you an Inbox Favorite. 


And this
is just scratching
the surface. 



Learn all the Email Vocabulary you need to know, what to expect with the Email Algorithm, and what Platforms we recommend.

Email Marketing Crash Course

Learn how to grow your list, write email copy fast, master pitches and ps lines, repurpose emails easily, increase your email conversions, what metrics to track, how to design a high converting welcome sequence, and how to develop your messaging to convert more.

Million Dollar email strategy

Learn how Mindset impacts your Emails, how to identify your mindset roadblocks, break through them, and increase the quality of your emails by writing with Million Dollar Energy.

Million dollar energy

Learn how to prepare, plan, and execute an Email Launch. We break down the logistics of what to send, when and show you how to write email copy powerfully that engages and answers the questions of your ideal clients.  You can also see Kirsten write 10 emails in 1 hour LIVE, so that you can learn how to get your launch emails done FAST instead of sitting on them for weeks.

Million Dollar email launching

Learn our Funnel Rules so you avoid costly mistakes and can know exactly if you’re ready and how to GET ready for an automated sales system that converts without social sellers, DMs, or sales calls.  Then, learn exactly what a high converting funnel includes, what style of emails and when to send them, and how to drive at least $10,000 in new sales traffic easily to your funnel every month.

email funnel formula

Every Monday at 11am CST, you can join a weekly call with any coaching you need for the week on your email strategy for your unique offer. We talk about email, messaging, launching, selling on evergreen, and more. You will always walk away knowing exactly what to do next to get results.

weekly live calls

Enjoy our vault of Live Call Replays that gets updated every week. We timestamp every episode so you can easily choose what feels relevant to you or that you want to learn more about without even listening to the whole thing.
We have clients that have never joined a Live Coaching Call that have listened to the replays and made over $50,000 in their first launch .

live call replays

You’ll be able to drop any questions and get answers directly from a coach. Our Slack channel has million dollar earners and industry leaders in all kinds of niches. Whether you quietly read threads and apply the strategy in your own business or message us everyday, you’ll always have expert support.

daily slack channel

Take advantage of our on demand email and sales page copy reviews so you know what’s working and what’s not whenever you need it. We will deliver video or written feedback whether you’re preparing for a launch, halfway through, trying to hit your evergreen sales goals, or updating your welcome sequence.

copy reviews



We provide a dedicated space every month for you to write emails with a coach and community nearby. You will have the ability to drop in and get all of your emails for the month done, to finally finish the funnel you've been putting off, or to get your launch emails off your plate and ready to be scheduled.

monthly Email Writing Retreats


We will give you all the tools you need to join our unmatched rewards program by making at least 25% of your income with Email. You'll receive exclusive trainings, calls, and coaching in addition to the core program.

The 25% MVP room

Make sales, get into a great email writing flow, and clean up your messaging no matter where you’re at today through the simple practice of writing an email a day.

30 day challenge

Learn in depth strategies for high converting copy. You will walk away writing the best emails in your niche, easier than ever.

bonus email copywriting course

Watch replays of Kirsten coaching six and multiple six figure entrepreneurs on their offers, messaging, webinars, and launch strategies so you can apply it to your own business, even if you are a beginner

Million Dollar feedbacks

This program is designed for you to drop in at anytime, watch a training, apply it and keep it moving. No video goes beyond 20 minutes and all trainings are designed for easy listening and implementation. 

You will have 12 months access to all materials and live coaching. 



Our clients are the baddest AND most well rested and respected leaders in the industry.



$2500 IN FULL



JOIN the MILLION dollar EMAIL waitlist

The investment is $2500 one time or 5 payments of $500. Joining the waitlist will subscribe you to our main list and to exclusive launch emails & an early invitation to enroll with a special bonus.

WE OPEN in 2024.
JUNE 2ND, 2024






Sales Coach, Dielle Charon, Made over $200,000 with Email

Dielle went from selling on sales calls and live videos every week during her launches to hitting 6 figure launches with email and multiple 6 figures in between launches with a simple evergreen email funnel.





VIP Day Coach, Jordan Gill Made $101,022 with Email

Jordan has a million dollar business that has always leveraged Email Marketing. She said she has always written great emails but needed to be able to write more.

She loved having conversations with people in her inbox over sales calls and said it felt so light!

Airtable Coach, Ashley Hogrebe Made $220,000 with Email

Ashley went from $15K launches with 3 team members, a webinar, social and email behind the launch to making $220,000 in the past year with just Click to Buy Emails and 1 core team member.

Ashley used the tools inside Million Dollar Email and has had multiple social media free launches.





Creative Director, Jasmine Haitalani, made $131,000 with Email

Jasmine knew that having an email list was important but had no email strategy prior to MDE. She closed five figures in sales with email within the first 30 days and became the first person in the program to sell Five Figure custom packages as a DFY service provider.









Content Agency Owner, Jocelyn Made $11,100 with Email

Jocelyn said, “Before MDE, I was soley relying on referrals and it was STRESSFUL! I never knew when a referral would come in and I didn't feel in control of my own results. 

I've been a content marketer for years, and I've made other people multiple six figures through content alone. But doing it for someone else who has an offer that's gotten results and multiple clients to tap into for client research, is a completely different skill set than creating an offer and your messaging and brand presence from scratch.

It feels incredible knowing that I can connect with complete strangers in a way that inspires them to take action. I feel in my power and in control of my own results. Knowing that I was able to move one stranger to become a client gave me the confidence to know I can do it again. And I did.”

Photographer and Business Coach, Lucia Made $8,000 with Email

Lucia said she enrolled in launching and evergreen programs but felt it was hard to apply for high ticket 1:1 coaching. She also did copy courses, hired copywriters and was inside an email membership before MDE. She used to email once or twice per week but wasn't selling. She made most of her sales from Instagram. 

Inside MDE, she emailed everyday and booked 3 calls within a week.

She said “I got súper relevant and whenever I got an applications I went deeper into what got me there. I revisited the 30 day challenge again, I rewatched the launch videos and I started implementing the sell method emails.

Before I was only selling on launches or through the evergreen funnel. Now I’m selling all the time every day. No more launching. I literally feel so much peace and excitement. Can’t wait to continue to book out all the rest of my 1:1 spots with email.”









Sabotage Coach, Abigail Made $19,921 with Email

“My sales were less than 1k a month. Usually like $200-300. This program not only got me right when it came to writing + sending emails, but it also got me OUT OF MY MIND DRAMA. The copywriting tips helped me get clear and overthink less. The self-coaching is a tool I use LITERALLY DAILY. I have refined my 1:1 coaching completely, thanks to the support I got in this program and through the materials. I have since launched a free masterclass that got 40 sign-ups, grown my email list by >50 people, I send emails regularly and I SELL MORE. I'm way less in my feelings. Business went from being so emotional and vulnerable and personal... to being a BUSINESS. I started feeling like a CEO. When I say this program changed my life?! I am so serious.”

Rock Climbing Coach, Juliet Made $5,214 with Email

Before MDE, Juliet felt like writing emails was really stressful and she would write them last minute after staring at the computer for hours with no idea what to write.

She said, “With the help of the modules, workbook, and coaches, I wrote an offer story to become clear on who I was writing to. I love being able to schedule emails weeks in advance and have the confidence that they clearly relay my messaging. The systems have relieved a lot of stress - I know my emails are at work without me needing to be at my computer.”





Leadership Coach, Mariela, made $21,125 with Email

After only sending 7 emails, Mariela made thousands in email sales and took herself to a spa and staycation in a really nice hotel in San Francisco, with room service on deck!





Career Alignment Coach Nadéjiah made $17,500 with Email

Nadéijah went from hustling every launch with low ticket launch events to just emailing and getting the same results, more peacefully.









Medicine Woman, Anuuma Made $30,000+ with Email

Anuuma has always used email marketing as her primary system, but wasn’t consistent. She would only email to connect when she felt like it. She sent daily click to buy emails for 6 days and made more than 60% of her monthly income with email over 2 months!

Website Designer, Samantha Made $7,000 with Email

Before MDE, Samantha said “Sales were up and down depending on when my referral partners had someone to send my way. It would be really busy and then slow….I love knowing that I can send a few emails and get a new client when I need to.”









Sex Therapist and Coach, Leigh Made $41,050 with Email

Leigh always used email marketing, but kept referring to templates to create sales emails and felt like they were so boring.

She said, “I used all of the tools in MDE, but specifically the offer story was what helped me hone in on my messaging and create emails at lightning speed that I was so proud of and couldn't wait to share with my audience! I also think romanticizing my offer and clearly being able to pick and choose what one thing to highlight in each email was crucial to the quality of my emails and the ease of the creation process.

I already knew I could make money with email but following the principles in MDE for this new promotion showed me how I can make more money easily than I've made before - by using my own voice, not following people's random templates. And while providing massive value but in a way that comes so much more naturally to me than it does when someone tells me to "write an email with value"

Low Tox Expert, Dr. Yvonne Made $19,256 with Email

Dr. Yvonne said that “Email marketing was always on my mind, but I had no sense of direction, randomly emailed when I felt like I needed to sell, and had only 1 email sale in nearly 2 years.

I was live launching every month to my social media channels and desired to create more automated sales without having to constantly show up on social media. I was exhausted, burned out, and my energy was all over the place.

I dove right into the MDE curriculum on day 1 and decided to go all-in on the email launch method. I sent an average of 4 emails to my list driving them to the waitlist for 4 weeks. My Million Dollar Energy stays strong because of the self coaching tools, which was exactly what I was missing before. Now I'm in the pre-launch period and already made my first email sale on day 2! I haven't even launched to the public yet!”









Operations Manager, Brenda Canas, made $2,500 with Email

"Email marketing was nonexistent before I joined MDE. I had plans to start last year, but never got started because I felt like I had no idea what to write about as a done-for-you service provider. Now, I feel like there's much more interest in my VIP Days (and other ways that clients want to work with me). It makes me feel like it's possible to earn more and not worry about always being consistent on Instagram.”

Tax Pro Systems Coach, Jamie Gruol Made $100K+ with Email

Jamie Gruol is a Systems Coach that helps Tax Professionals have more peaceful and profitable tax seasons with client management automation. 

Jamie leveraged the Million Dollar Email Launch concepts to go from stressful launching to easy emailing. She has since rinse and repeated the MDE strategies to continue hitting 6 figure launches with email.









Confidence Coach, Makenzie Conklin Made $29,000
with Email

Makenzie’s email strategy before MDE was just desperately sending a “a few horrible emails during a launch.”

She had her highest launch to date with email contributing to 37% of its total income.

Career Coach, Simi Made $32,000
with Email

"Email marketing was nonexistent before I joined MDE. I had plans to start last year, but never got started because I felt like I had no idea what to write about as a done-for-you service provider. Now, I feel like there's much more interest in my VIP Days (and other ways that clients want to work with me). It makes me feel like it's possible to earn more and not worry about always being consistent on Instagram.”









Systems Strategist, Ariana Made
$14,500 with Email

Ariana went through the 30 day challenge and has consistently been writing a weekly email series.

She sold a VIP Day at her highest price just by writing emails.

Weight Loss Coach, Samantha Made $3,500 with Email

Samantha felt like she had no structure around talking about the results she provides. She was only selling in the PS line rather than throughout the entire email.

She said, “It took a few months to get consistent. However, the mindset work changed the energy of my emails = selling easier and more fun.”









Dissertation Coach, Dr. Marvette Lacy Made $21,000 with Email

Dr. Marvette Lacy is a Black Feminist Scholar & Coach. She founded Finish Your Dissertation, a program that helps BIPOC Students finish their Dissertations and become Doctors.

Marvette dove into Million Dollar Email and started the process right away.

She began writing emails everyday using the MDE Strategy. That’s it. She has made $21,000 in Evergreen Sales since starting. These sales came from a combination of her Automated Funnel and just from sending people directly to the Sales Page from Email.

Marvette is rarely on Social yet makes consistent sales, so is able to focus on planning her next simple, high performing email launch.





Money Coach, Gina Knox Made $92,594 with Email

Gina Knox is a Financial Coach that helps Coaches go from making 6 figures to SAVING 6 figures with a group program called 6 Figure Saver.

She came to me making $30K a year as a Side Hustler and is now a Full Time Coach projected to make $300K this year.

She didn’t like Email. In fact, she was very hesitant about it. She thought writing emails was super hard because of her academic brain that loves to focus on perfect sentence structures and such. Yet she is one of my clients that saw Email results the fastest.

Gina became the Leader in her client’s Inbox with a branded Weekly Series and a clear Offer Story and has since made $77,994 with Email alone. She is barely on social media anymore and makes consistent Evergreen Sales.

Photography Business Coach, Savannah Meikamp, made 78% of her monthly income
with Email

Before Million Dollar Email, Savannah said…”I spent a lot of energy on social media! Email has helped me be able to get my message clearly across without having to show up on social media all the time. It feels good knowing there are options besides social media. ”





Business Consultant, Sarah Williams replaced 100% of her monthly income
with Email

Sarah was able to sell her highest priced DFY package just by sending emails. She said before Million Dollar Email, “Email marketing was an after thought and now it's #1 priority” and that making ALL THIS EMAIL MONEY feels “enjoyable and easy”.









Messaging Coach, Samantha Hoilett made 50% of her income with a simple, 14 day Email Launch

“Before MDE, I was sending emails to my list probably around 3 times a month, and wouldn't ever really sell to them (other than a quick "how to work with me" CTA at the bottom). Now I'm being much more forward with my expertise, how to work with me, and why they need to work with me now vs. later (MDE energy!!). 

Even with daily emails, my open rate never dropped below 41%. It served as an extra touch point in addition to my social media efforts. It made being on social media feel easy and fun because I knew email gave my launch a *backbone*.

Also worth noting that I only had 98 subscribers during my launch! Writing plays to my strengths and feels so much more low lift than trying to be eye-catching & ~aesthetic~ on IG. I can focus on substance over style.”

Sales Coach, Ro Shah, had her email strategy go from "nonexistent to easy and simple"

Ro replaced 80% of the monthly income she came in with in 32 days. She had a social media manager because she hated posting on social, but it wasn’t showing a return like she wanted.





Jana made email sales within the first week of joining and 57% of her monthly income in less than 30 days! 

She liked sending emails before joining MDE - “but my emails were sort of tepid. I wasn't sending regular sales messages, and when I did, they were just sort of okay.”

Since joining..”Now I have sharpened my clarity around my offer, learned how to sell both the offer promise AND the heart promises (BIG shift!), and improved my pitches 1000000000000%.”

“I feel like now I know how to just jump in when needed and turn the faucet on, so to speak. I can easily get energized and just write and schedule effective sales emails that bring a cash injection.”





Dr. Kimmy made $120,000 with a list of 500 subscribers!

Before joining, “Email was heavy, annoying and dreadful. I procrastinated on it and my launches were messy because I would write email during the launch.”

How did she make all this email money? “I wrote emails fast-in one week- and stayed in million dollar energy. I hosted a challenge and a webinar training and sold through emails. I repurposed my emails to social media…it feels Incredible-especially because I did it without sales calls. 🙌🏾”









Twyla generated 34% of her monthly income in jewelry product sales with email in 30 days.

She hasn’t gone through all of the course work and has made multiple 5 figures just by sending more emails.

Michelle Seijas generated 78% of monthly income with email in
45 days.

Before MDE, she said she would write blog style emails and indirectly sell with a quick PS lines. Since joining, she’s been more direct about selling her offer and making more because of it!





Prerna generated 48%
of her monthly income with email in 45 days with a $500 offer.

She had no experience with email marketing at all. After joining, she sent weekly emails and it reminded clients to contact her for services.

How does it feel making all this Email Money? “I feel like I am a roll and I barely started a month ago! feeling more confident in sending emails! Thank you Kirsten and coaches, getting feedback on the email drafts is so helpful and I am so very grateful to see where this journey goes! Next is my first launch! 😊”





Business Coach, Annelise Harris made $45,600 with
email in 90 days!

Before joining MDE, “I was doing the bare minimum (once a week on a regular base, once a day when I'm launching)”

How did you make at least 25% of your income with Email? Talking about my concept, my program and encourage people to apply

How does it feel making all this Email Money? It's fun!






I have no Email List, should I join? 

You are ready for this program if you want to use email marketing to sell your offer. We have clients that come to us with no email list at all and have since grown it with qualified leads and without played out, basic lead magnets. If you want to learn how to grow and sell to your email list alongside an expert community, we will help you from start to finish. We have developed a process that applies to beginners and advanced people.

Is this for me?

This is for all coaches and service providers, regardless of niches, offers, and price points. We have clients with agencies, memberships, masterminds, vip days, courses, 1:1 coaching, and more. We have a massive variety of niches serving different styles of clients and the process applies across the board.

Does this strategy work for XYZ?

Yes. This email strategy works for any price point or offer. It can be applied to any existing strategy you’re doing. It works across all styles of marketing events like summits, webinars, live workshops. It works for any style of funnel or monthly sales strategy. You're going to learn how to write emails you can use for any occasion.

Will this program open again? 


I'm in another program that talks about Email, how will this be different?

This program is centred on Email, it isn't a bonus or afterthought. We go beyond Freebies. We are focused on making Email a key strategy in your business. We teach cutting edge Email concepts and strategies, not templates. Templates don't change industries. All of our clients have 1:1 coaches, masterminds and other group programs they are in and MDE serves as a seamless complement.

Is there lifetime access?

You will have 12 months access to all materials and live coaching. After 12 months, your access will end. We will send you reminders when your access is ending as well as an invitation to re join.

Are there refunds or guarantees?

No. All of our results and promises come directly from client data, but as noted in our Terms and Conditions, many factors may apply and so we cannot make guarantees and will not offer any refunds.