Frequently Asked Questions about

I already have 50% profit


Do you already have 50% profit?
Okay, do you feel the peace of that?

  • Do you feel no pressure during your launches?
  • Do you feel happy with your savings account?
  • Do you feel comfortable with how much you pay yourself and how much you’re able to spend in your personal life?
  • Do you feel like your sales are repeatable and simple?
  • Do you feel fully supported by your team to the point where you could walk away today and your sales, operations, and client delivery wouldn’t stop?
  • Do you feel like your systems provide an exceptional client experience and generate above-standard client results?

Because if you don’t, then 50% profit doesn’t matter. It’s just a percentage on your P/L statement.

I want you to feel the impact of having 50% profit.

And the only way to do that is with team, systems and mindset work.

Also, people join Million Dollar CEO with 50% profit all the time and guess what? They could have more.

When you book a sales call, I’ll show you exactly how we can help you inside the program even if you already have 50% profit.

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I already have an OBM


Just because you have a VA/OBM already, doesn’t mean your team is good.

In fact, unless you are consistently doubling your revenue - we have work to do with your team.

I can almost guarantee that your VA/OBM isn’t doing all the things they need to be to fully support you and help you scale (not by any fault of their own - but because you don’t know what all you should be delegating to them.)

I can’t tell you how many clients tell me that their VA/OBM is just doing customer service, tech and systems, and setting up sales pages.

That is not enough to help you scale and make it to where if you wanted or needed to walk away from your business, you could do so without your operations stopping.

Million Dollar CEO solves for that. We tell you exactly what your VA/OBM should and should not be doing to run your operations smoothly and make you more money.

So if you already have a VA/OBM, then you need to be in this program to make sure you’re not wasting your money by underutilizing them.

When you book a sales call, I’ll review your team and help you know what you all need to do in the next 90 days to increase your profit by 50% and hit your fall/winter sales goals.

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I already have a co-coach


If you already have a co-coach, then you need to join Million Dollar CEO to make sure you are utilizing them correctly.

I have so many people that join the program and their co-coach is only doing 1 or 2 things in their programs - such as just taking reviews, or just doing a call or two a month, or just taking slack messages.

They are paying for a whole support coach and barely using them. Either because they don’t know how they should, they don’t know how to do so in their budget, or because they are scared their clients will be mad.

On top of that, they don’t even realize all that they could be doing with their co-coach to help them make more money. 

The way you use your co-coach will dictate your client experience, results, sales, and your peace.

Inside Million Dollar CEO, we help you make sure your co-coach is being fully utilized, is trained to coach like you so your clients love their calls as much as they love yours, and is generating more income for your program.

When you book a sales call, I’ll review your team and help you know what you all need to do in the next 90 days to increase your profit by 50% and hit your fall/winter sales goals.

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I already have people delivering my agency client work for me


Do you already have people doing agency client work for you?

That’s great, how many people?
Because it shouldn’t be more than 1 person per 5-10 clients depending on your services.

Also, are they all on your core team or do you have to hire them for white glove services?
Because everyone that delivers in your agency should be a part of your core team and not a random outside contractor with their own set of processes.

Are you still taking your client onboarding, strategy and check-in calls? Are you still the main point of contact with your clients?
Because you need to make yourself optional in all client communications.

Are you still the one reviewing all of your team’s work and project managing their tasks?
Because you’re not supposed to be.

Right now, you may have people delivering client work for you - but if it’s just partially, or can only be done by hiring outside contractors, or you have too many people, then you are not setting yourself up for a peaceful agency.

When you book a sales call for Million Dollar CEO, I will help you see exactly what you need to do with your agency in the next 90 days to increase your profit by 50%.

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I already have calendar space


Just because you have calendar space doesn’t mean you’re peaceful or profitable.

I have clients who join Million Dollar CEO with a ton of calendar space but they don’t feel like their calendar is optimized to help them make more money (without doing a ton of work.)

They wake up, check their email, and then do busy work all day with no real direction.

Inside Million Dollar CEO, we give you clear direction on how to utilize your calendar to manage both your business and personal life goals.
We will help you grow your income without compromising your calendar by using it correctly.

We do this by providing you with a 90 day guide for exactly what you need to be doing in your business - nothing more, nothing less.
You will know what to do to fix your offer, grow or restructure your team, and what systems to put in place right now to increase your revenue and take home at the same time.

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I need to work on my sales skills


Are you focusing on your sales skills right now to make more money?
Then, you’re working harder.

The most common sales skills are messaging, creating content, answering objections, etc.

When you focus on these skills alone, you get in a loop that never ends. You just keep changing your messaging, keep creating more content, keep answering objections, on and on and on.

When really, you’ll always be doing that in your business. You’ll never stop working on those skills.

But when you also focus on team, systems and mindset work - you make sales so much easier and so much more peacefully.

Because you have more creative space and thinking time.
Because you have an offer that sells itself from having such good results.
Because you have systems to feel confident to enroll as many people as possible, so you sell your face off without any anxiety for how you’ll deliver.
Because you’re not scared to make a promise to people, knowing you know how to keep it.

When you don’t do team, systems and mindset work - you make a little bit of sales here and there - and so you think you need to just keep working on sales skills. 

But more sales is the result of team, systems, and mindset work.

Inside Million Dollar CEO, we help you with your messaging, content and objection handling through your offer strategy. We make sure your offer is competitive, answers your clients top objections, and makes you excited to create content.

When you book a sales call, I’ll tell you exactly what is keeping you from making more sales and how we’ll help you make more in the next 90 days.

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I don’t have the money


Are you worried about joining Million Dollar CEO this round because you don’t know if you have the money?

That’s how you know you need to join.

If you don’t have the money, that could either mean:
  • You don’t have enough profit to make new investments easily
  • You don’t have enough recurring revenue to cover the payment plan for this investment

We will help you with both. 

In the first 30 days, you will recover profit right away by using our Profit Reviews, where we review your expenses and tell you exactly what you need to do to gain money without losing support.

Then, we help you set up your offer suite to where you have an offer that covers all of your bills, including this investment, and an offer that funds your savings. 

You will sell an offer that generates recurring revenue for at least 3-6 months so you don’t have to stress about the payment plan and then everything after that will go to your savings.

If you don’t join this launch, you will still not have the money next time - because there’s a fundamental business model issue happening. Your business is not designed to consistently and easily pay yourself, your team, and your investments.

Let’s fix that.
When you book a sales call, I’ll show you how we’ll help you to not just pay off this investment in 90 days, but make all the other ones you desire with ease.

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I didn’t plan to make this investment


Are you thinking about waiting to join Million Dollar CEO because you didn’t have this investment in your financial plan?

This investment will pay for itself in 30 days or less, here’s how:

We will make sure you are as profitable as you can be so you recover cash right away that you wouldn’t have otherwise had. Using our signature Profit Reviews, clients have saved thousands of dollars a month, paying off the investment without even needing to make more sales.

We will also help you improve your offers for more sales using the Elevated Offer Framework by evaluating your pricing, features, and making sure it’s competitive and positioned well for your messaging.

Then, we will help you remove any mindset roadblock keeping you from making as many sales as possible right away - whether you’re worried about enrolling too many people at once, you are worried about your delivery or systems not being perfect, or even if you’re headed on vacation and don’t know how to the logistics would work.

These 2 things alone will pay the investment off quickly.
If you’re wondering whether this is the right investment for you right now, I will tell you honestly on a sales call. I have turned people away before.

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I don’t have time for another program


If you don’t have time for another program right now, then that’s a team, systems and mindset issue.

You should be able to fully utilize multiple programs at once because you have the time and capacity to do so.

One of my key teachings inside Million Dollar CEO is to use your coaches like your team. So, you’re likely not leading yourself through your investments properly either and treating your coaches like they are team members. 

We want to make it to where you’re using every investment you have, every week, to help you make decisions and grow your business.

When you join Million Dollar CEO, you learn how to use all of your investments to the full and we provide you with the calendar space to do so.

When you book a sales call, I can help you figure out what is keeping you from doing so and share how we can help.

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I am already in another program that touches on this / how is this different from my business coach


Do you already have a business coach and want to know how a program like Million Dollar CEO fits into your current support?

First, we serve as a perfect complement to any other program you’re in.

Anything your coach tells you to do, we will help you do it using your team and systems. In fact, you’ll be able to do so much less work because you’ll know exactly how to delegate all the action items from your other coaches.

Also, something I always say is that this is the only program in the industry that addresses every corner of your business you’re not currently addressing, which will make your results all around so much better.

Your business coach likely helps you with a little bit of everything as it happens.
While we have a very clear and proven process to walk you through increasing your profit, revenue, calendar space, client results, and peace.

We help you with everything related to your offer, team, systems and mindset and we have a proven framework for each aspect so you always have clear direction and instructions.

If you want to know specifically how we would support you alongside your business coach, book a sales call.

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I am going on maternity leave


Are you headed on maternity leave or planning for one in the near future?
Then you need to book a sales call for Million Dollar CEO.

If you’re headed on maternity leave, then you need to address your profit problems now more than ever.

I have helped clients take a peaceful maternity leave where they still made sales and their operations and client delivery didn’t stop - they came back to a thriving business.

Before your maternity leave, we need to make sure your business is set up to run without you so you don’t have to generate momentum later.

This will look like ensuring your offer is designed to bring you as much recurring revenue as possible without you having to deliver to your clients - this way you aren’t just living on your maternity leave savings.

This will look like ensuring your team and systems are set up to keep things moving as if you aren’t even gone, not to just manage the bare minimum.

We can do this quickly once we know exactly what your profit problems are and what we need to address in order of importance.

That’s what we’ll figure out on the sales call and you will walk away with a custom plan to implement prior to your maternity leave.

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I don’t want a big business


I hear it all the time - “I don’t really want a big business.”

You see me talking about scaling to $1M peacefully and you might think, “yeah that’s not for me.”

But what you’re really saying is I don’t want more stress. You don’t want to stress about leading a big team, you don’t want to stress about having a lot of clients, you don’t want to stress about having a full calendar of big bad CEO things.

But making $1M can actually be so simple, light, and peaceful.

You can have a small team, no employees, a light calendar, and a lot of clients that love your work and get results from it.

It can be how you feel about your current business, just with so much more money.

This is why I specialize in team, systems and mindset - because this is the only way you can have a “big” business and feel peaceful.

Book a sales call and we can discuss what your biggest concerns are about scaling and I can share with you what team, systems and mindset you need to address each and every one.

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I don’t want a team


Whenever someone says they don’t want a team, they are just saying they don’t want:

  • A high amount of expenses
  • A high amount of responsibility

But you can have a team that is in your budget where your only responsibility to them is to delegate money-making projects.

Having a team doesn’t need to be expensive and stressful - but it is necessary for yourself and your clients.

Book a sales call and we can discuss what your biggest concerns are about having a team and I can share how we can help.

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I just have a VA and we’re doing fine


If you have a VA and y’all are doing “fine” then what that tells me is you’re managing your current business, but not leading your team to double your revenue.

If you have anyone on your team right now, even one person, you need to be inside Million Dollar CEO to make sure you’re leading and paying them properly - otherwise, you’re continuing to waste time and money.

Book a sales call and I’ll share with you how we’ll help you use your VA to double your revenue this year.

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I don’t need to hire right now


Million Dollar CEO isn’t a hiring program. We only have one hiring training. It’s a small piece of the program. 

We address every area of your business including your offer, team, systems, vacations, finances, customer service, and more.

So, even if you don’t need to hire right now - there is still so much inside the program you can benefit from.

You could be making more sales and increasing your recurring revenue using our Elevated Offer Framework.

Streamlining your finances and funding your goals using our Bills vs Savings Offer Framework.

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Will you help me with messaging?


Are you wondering if we help you with your messaging inside Million Dollar CEO? 

The answer is yes - when you work through our Elevated Offer Framework, which helps you improve your offer and position it for more sales, your messaging naturally improves without you even having to think about it.

When you get out of your head about your messaging and into your offer, it makes it easy to know how to communicate your offer.

You likely don’t need another messaging framework — you need an offer one. This will help you improve your messaging faster and easier.

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Will you review my sales materials?


A frequently asked question is, “will you review my sales materials” like emails, sales pages, etc.

The answer is no - we do not review your emails, sales pages, webinars, etc. because we haven’t needed to for our clients to see an increase in sales.

Through the offer strategy we provide, our clients see an increase in sales without us ever having to see their sales pages because we design your offer to sell itself.

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How much access do I get to Kirsten?


Do you want to know how much access you get to me inside the program?

When you join, you’ll get 4 small group welcome calls with me where you’ll receive intimate support.

From there, the co-coaches and I rotate calls and slack messages, so you will always be able to get coached by all of us. 

We also keep detailed client records, so myself and the other coaches are always aware of what’s happening with you and where we want to take you next.

I’m always directing my team as well, so you can trust that even if I am not directly coaching you at any given time, it’s my brain on your business combined with the expert perspectives and experiences of my co-coaches.

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Will I have to let my entire team go?


You won’t have to let your entire team go to be more profitable. 

My signature Role Reset Framework will help you keep the right team members in a way that’s more profitable. 

We will help you cut your expenses while doubling your support inside the program.

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What if I’ve already cut all my expenses?


Have you cut expenses recently and don’t know how you could possibly be more profitable?

I had a client join Million Dollar CEO after she came to me and said she already cut thousands of dollars a month in payroll costs and I found thousands of dollars a month more she could recover within minutes.

So, some of you still have higher expenses than you even realize.
Your take home is impacted by:

  • Who is on your team → do you have the right team members for your income level?
  • How many hours your team is working → are they working the right hours based on your income level?
  • What and how you’re paying your team → are you paying them the right amount based on your income level and are you paying them correctly based on your services?

When we are looking at your profit, we’re not just looking at saving a couple of dollars and cents. We are looking at your expenses holistically and making sure it’s in line with where your business is at right now.

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How soon will I have to pay for a new hire? / need to hire but don’t have money


If you’re wondering how soon you’ll need to pay for a new hire, this is for you.

I get it, you’re making an investment in the program and then you’re worried about paying for team members.

If we decide you need to hire, which you may not even need too yet, then you won’t need to do so until after you’ve signed your next 3 clients. We have a process to help you make more money before you hire.

This ensures you have the cash flow to make a new hire without stress.
We are all about scaling smart. We won’t have you make a hire that you don’t need yet or that will break your budget. We will start small and work our way up.

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How quickly will I see results?


You can see results inside Million Dollar CEO in as fast as a day, week, or 30 days.

For example, we have clients that submit 1 Profit Review and save thousands of dollars that same day.

We provide you with a 90 day roadmap, a simple curriculum, 4 accountability calls, plus our ongoing coaching support to help you see results quickly.

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What does the time commitment involve?


The time commitment for Million Dollar CEO is very light and fully dependent on your preferences.

Let me give an example of someone using the program at max:

  • If you choose to come to every weekly call or watch the replays, that’s 1 hour a week.
  • If you choose to drop at least one slack question once a week - that’s an extra 5-30 minutes a week depending on how much support you need.
  • Our curriculum is quick and snappy outside of a few thorough videos. But our curriculum is milestone-based, so it’s only recommended you watch a few videos and complete the milestones before you move on. So once you watch the first few videos, you won’t have to watch anymore until you’ve completed that milestone.

So at max, you’re looking at around 2 hours a week. 2 hours a week AT MAX to build a peaceful, million dollar business is not bad.

But some people don’t come to any of the calls and only use the slack channel. Some people don’t use the slack channel and only come to calls. Some people only watch call replays. So, I’d say the average time spend each week is 30 minutes to an hour, if that.

You don’t need to spend a lot of time in the program to get results. However - time should not be a problem for you and if it is, that's why you need to join.

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